These 4 days of retreat in the mayan jungle are an invitation to nourish your presence and creativity through movement and art practices immersed in the living work of art, that Is Tecoh. In this hectic world, the ability to embrace relaxation as a practice and have tools that can bring you back to presence, are essential. Nature and art provide the opportunity to align ourselves with the natural creative expression of all life. This experience is designed as a container for you to go deeper into this alignment and to provide you with simple, but precise, practices that can be carried into your daily life.
We will practise qi gong and movement practices to help you cultivate deep relaxation and presence. We will also explore art as an enabler of self awareness and creative expression. These 4 days are meant to be an inspiration for you to integrate a daily practice of rejuvenation, mindfulness, and creative expression that in time brings about an open heart, a clear mind, and healthy relationships with life.
Through creative expression, qi cultivation, and connection to nature in a beatiful and nourishing environment, you will have the potential to experience deep relaxation, rejuvenation, greater self awareness, inspiration, joy and clarity.
Has a multifacetic existance from architecture and design practices to a holistic healing journey. She has been very close to the process of design, construction and evolution of several wellness and holistic spaces and is committed to bringing harmonious spaces into life both as an architect and social constructor.
Ten years ago, as she started teaching in Mérida, the urge to gather tools to better serve her community took her on a search of what could kindly (but powerfully) bring about social transformation and individual spiritual freedom. For that, she has had the great blessing to train in the paths of yoga, systemic psychology, traditional moondance and temazcal medicine, vipassana meditation, Bach flowers therapy, art for emotional, Semiology of everyday life and thai-yoga massage. She is ever so passionate about sharing these tools, as she believes the development of full human potential is achievable and can be learned through simple but precise practices.
Currently she designs the restoration for colonial houses, teaches yoga, creativity workshops, and shares temazcals in moondance tradition.
Has been studying and apprenticing with John P. Milton since 2003 and completed his 7-year advanced awareness training within this time. She has completed over 500 days of solitary AllOne time in nature and has led and supported the Way of Nature retreats in Crestone, CO, Canyonlands, Utah, Baja California Sur, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Europe. She’s a fellow of the Academy for Systems Change, Founder and Executive Director of Regenerative Earth, and is currently working on preserving biological diversity and indigenous wisdom through systems change in keystone ecosys tems globally. She is also mentored by Apache/Yaqui wisdom lineage holder La’ne Saan Moonwalker, and brings her love for the earth and her healing and teaching gifts into all that she does.
Tecoh was born as a live work of art in 2011, after five intense and exhausting years of work and dialogue with the Cuban-American artist Jorge Pardo. It was the ruins of a 17th century Hacienda in the Yucatán, México, which presented the ideal architectural and landscape conditions to create a Site-specific work of art.
Today Tecoh hosts workshops, experimental co-creative processes, aesthetic retreats and transforming dialogues.
Hacienda Tecoh, 97820
Izamal Municipality,
Yucatán, México